So today my manager sat me down in the office and started talking to me about her kids and how she told them there was a law that you can't get married until you are 25. She insisted that people under 25 are not mature enough to get married. then she asked me, if I could do it all over again would I have waited?
My answer...
"No, I would have gotten married younger." (not to mention I was much thinner so I would have looked hotter in my dress)
A few people have expressed to me that I "got married too young" "I need to experience life" and all the other usual sayings. The thing is life doesn't wait. In an ideal world everyone would live a long healthy life, but there are no guarantees. I knew I was going to marry jarmon it was just a matter of when, and for me it was the sooner the better.
A few benefits to getting married at a young age:
1. Your poor, you learn how to live on nothing. If you can make it work through all the rough budgeting, you'll be fine. most arguments in relationships are about finances. You can argue about something you don't have
2. All the memories. everything we experience is together so when we're 85 we can sit on our couch talking about all the things we have done together.
3. Getting to move out and live with your best friend is awesome. my hubby is always here with me and its great having that kind of support system all the time.
4. We get a lot of time together before we have kids.
5. For me: qualifying as an independent and actually getting some financial aid for school and for the hubby: he finally got health insurance. haha!
God has blessed our marriage and friendship tremendously, and I thank him everyday for giving me the best hubby that I could have asked for.
Haters gun hate! ! I got married at 19 and have heard nothing but opposition the whole way. The day after brad proposed and I was showing everyone my ring it wasn't " aww congrats" it was " your pregnant? " umm no its a thing called love. Ppl said me down tried to "mentor" me because it was a bad descion, too soon, and I have the rest of my life to decide something like that. What do u know almost 4 yra of marriage later we are aeen as the textbook good marriage mmmhmmm haters! I think you and jarmon are adorable and I always get so happy reading your posts about him because I can just feel all that bubbly love you have for him.